Here are the pictures a few hours after he was born. Look at those cheeks...And those hands, Good Lord you can tell he is a Holden!! My Sister Inlaw is doin great, her blood pressure was quite high so they had to take the baby a few weeks early!!
The funny thing is, My brother PJ has named 2 of his kids after golfers. No that is going a little far. LMAO Just kidding, Sorry this is so short

He is beautiful! What chubby little cheeks! Such a cutie!
Oh he is so cute and he weighed pretty good for being 3 weeks early. Tell them congrats for me.
he is darling. Wow 4 kids its probably good they are done now i would be.
You should tell Jenn to start a blog so we can keep up with there daily lives.
Hi. COngrats on the new nephew! Thanks for checking out our blog and leaving a message. I love your parents-they are such great people. I think we are planning on going to Adam's wedding so I will see you there. Cute blog!!
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