So they flew in on Saturday and we headed to the coast first thing Sunday morning. The drive was way fun, Amanda got to see the gorgeous country side of NC. SHe kept saying, gosh it is so GREEN out here with all these trees. I remember saying the same thing when I first moved here. We stayed over night in a cute ocean side hotel in Atlantic beach and really enjoyed the evening just sitting on the beach. Then we went again the next day to get some sun. Then Monday we drove home and started our weekly planned out adventures for Amanda and Adam while I worked for a couple of days. Adam is a huge Duke Fan unfortunentley and so he just had to go up to the campus in Durham to get pictures. then later in the weekn was Adams birthday, BIG 23 so I took the afternoon off and we went to a Greensboro to eat dinner and enjoy a Greensboro Grasshopper Baseball Game, but of course it got rained out. But we really enjoyed eachother and had some great talks! I miss them already! But here a a bunch of pictures of the week of FUN!!