We area excited for the 4th of July this year, we are having a HUGE pool party at My best friends house Shelley and curtis

We always have a ball with them!! Shelley and I are planing on going to the Kenny Chesney concert in Aug!! We are so excited!! But other than that so far the summer has been great! Just HOT!!
Tony and I are going thru a period in our relationship that gets a little rough but this is the point where, you make it or break it!! So say a little prayer for us. He is having a time dealing with his daughters both being pregnant. Mind you that one just had a son a year ago so we are a little concerned but they are 19 and 20 years old but they do not have anything stable for them.
This weekend we are helping Tony's Aunt move into her new house. She lost her husband 2 years ago and ever since we always goby and see her etc. Now she is moving down the street from us. FUN!! She is great, she loves to have a good ole time!!
Well that is it for now, Have a safe and happy summer!!