We made it! First of all the wedding was absolutley beautiful as you can see from the pictures on the previous post!The plane trip went well, Tony did really, really good. I had to drug him so he really dont remember a whole lot but he did say he would fly again, and next time he would rather not be doped up . lol His Dr gave him some zanax, so he was on cloud nine. IT was sooooooooo great to see you all, I miss you already! And to finally get to hold my new nephew Jack. I have soooooooooooooooooooo many pictures.... Enjoy!
This is up in Little Cottonwood Canyon, It was so beautiful! Tony was amazed at the mountains, let me put it like this, TONY was amazed at the whole enitre trip!

This is Mom, Dad me, and Tony at the temple in Salt Lake City.

My Sister inlaw Jenn, she is such a sweetheart!

Tony and his little buddy Jordan, my nephew.

Tony and my Niece Emily, she is turning into a little pre teen!!

Me and my little brother Adam!

Mom and Tony!! He is a BYU fan all the sudden lol!

Adam showing Tony a little bit of St George Ut.